
Sanford India - Paving way for the future

The journey of Sanford electronics from being an overseas brand to India’s own home and personal care provider

The brand Sanford has been etched in the memory of Indians for a long time now. “My father used to bring Sanford torches that we would run to find as soon as the power went off,” said one of our customers in a testimonial. We have always been known for our quality and unique designs. A global brand and leader in manufacturing world-class electronics and home appliances, Sanford was established in 2004, owned and operated by Sanford Middle East DWC headquartered in Dubai World Central, Dubai. The group's handles designing, manufacturing, assembling, importing, exporting and retail of electronics and home appliances. The manufacturing and assembly operations are carried out at facilities owned by Sanford in Malaysia, China and Hong Kong. Since then, the group has grown in size, while also gathering a clientele that banks on its promise of quality.

Sanford has achieved a considerable market share in its target segment within the industry for our quality, scalability, ease of use and innovative technology. Currently, we are operating in 15 countries - Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Japan, India, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.

Along with our range of sister brands — Flamingo, Aiz store and FAABI, we cover almost every aspect of your every day - cooking, chopping, grinding, cleaning, personal grooming and styling. It was in 2019 that Sanford and these subsidiaries started full-fledged sales in India, with a corporate office in Ernakulam, Kerala.

Over time, setting up retail and connecting with customers especially in Kerala came easy for us, as an International brand priced affordably. We also set up online sales in association with key e-commerce players in India, including Amazon and Flipkart. This was particularly effective in creating a niche for us, giving India’s internet boom and shopping behaviour.

In early 2020 when Coronavirus broke out, our online shopping took off faster. This was proof for us that in a year, we have managed to launch our brand among this country’s buyers. In June 2020, we launched retail sales entirely in Kerala’s capital city Thiruvananthapuram, despite the adversities. If anything, Sanford believes in powering through the hurdles.

But this didn’t come easy either. Launching in India during a pandemic has also made us increase our quality and safety standards. With sanitizers and masks in every packing facility, contactless packing and proper disinfecting, we have been able to make sure that our sales and transactions are a hundred per cent safe.

In the coming days, we hope to spread our retail presence to the rest of the country while continuing to perform well online.